Skunkworks Learning Labs

skunk·works (skəNGkˌwərks)

"An experimental laboratory or department of a company or institution, typically smaller than and independent of its main research division."

A skunkworks project is a project developed by a small and loosely structured group of people who research and develop a project primarily for the sake of radical innovation.

Following in the footsteps of legendary engineer & visionary leader, Clarence "Kelly" Johnson and his entrepreneurial "can do" spirit of rapidly developing & delivering America's first fighter jet against a growing Nazi threat, the Skunkworks Learning Lab is founded in the same "can do" spirit to honor the legacy of Johnson by radically innovating the classroom in order to equip teachers and students with the tools needed to maximize learning and unleash creative human potential in the classroom!

"Kelly" Johnson's legendary Skunkworks at Lockheed Martin was known to often operate without formal contracts, deliver products ahead of schedule, and would design and develop products and advanced features even before the Air Force knew they needed it! Read more below about Lockheed Martin's key contributions to America's race to aerospace dominance and an important part of our historical legacy!

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